简介:一日,不會用電腦的老爸突然寄給當導演的女兒一份由43封電子郵件組成的回憶錄。43封郵件滿滿是父親對家人的虧欠與抱歉,甚至是向絕交許久的親人乞求原諒並重修舊好。這一長串的信件也代表著父親見證歷史戰爭、國際賽事及韓國社會變遷的一生。 The director’s father who did not know how to use a computer left her an autobiography via e-mail. The 43 e-mails are a regretful autobiography of the director’s father, as well as a letter for forgiveness and reconciliation with his family members with whom he had...
简介:Jungmin, a screenwriter falls for Yumi, who he met at an Inn during his business trip. Still uncertain if it’s real or a dream he has sexual intercourse. Seasoned director, Bong Mandae’s new movie.
简介:新节目中展现特别的成长故事,虽然比赛结束但音乐、人生还有很多可以学习的东西,MC Boom担当班主任带领trot man F4,包含创作歌手课程、舞台风范、时尚感、表演、综艺感等多样内容的斯巴达式教育。栏目组表示:今年改变韩国trot历史的《Mr. Trot》四人为了成为最棒的歌手而成长,这过程本身就能呈现出愉快和感动。请多关注他们到各地学习时的活跃。