某大学实验室,在一次针对爱尔兰中世纪文化的考古过程中,谢拉·惠兰教授(马歇尔·贝尔 Marcelle Baer 饰)和助手们偶然发现一个制作精巧的盒子。他们小心打开盒子,却发现里面竟是一颗丑陋怪异的头颅。更为恐怖的是,头颅发出恐怖的吼叫,致
During a visit to friends, Sara begins having visions and is attacked by an unearthly creature in her friend's swimming
毕业一年后,杨心怡(张蓝艺 饰)组织几个同学重回校园故地重游,到了校园之后,韩高飞在卫生间遭遇神秘面具人的追杀,生死未卜。众人返回别墅后,神秘面具人暗夜再现,将杨慧慧掐死,并一路追杀知情人林冰(梁平 饰)。众人将矛头指向已神秘失踪的
Deserves recognition as an interesting misunderstanding of the hallucination generation, 20 January 2007Author Timothy
不堪的少女时期性侵经历扭曲了琳达(李华月 饰)的心智,让她对男人有着一种深刻的仇恨。白天,她是公司里对下属颐指气使的严苛上司,晚上,她摇身一变成为了穿着暴露的性感女郎,出没于夜店之中,勾引男人和她共享鱼水之欢,然后将其杀死。 莉莉(钱军 饰
逆流教师(港) / 失控班!(台) / School's Out
救狗组织「毛侠」由达仁、采妮、海狗、基斯四位成员组成,无论任何时候,只要有狗隻需要救援,「毛侠」就会立刻出动,去拯救这些流浪毛孩。电影中分别以三个故事来讲述「毛侠」的救狗经历,第 一个故事为「食狗疑云」;第二个故事为「虐狗婆婆」; 最后一个
A nun performs an exorcism on a pregnant woman which turns out to be unsuccessful. Unfortunately, the evil returns.
Following her mother’s death, manga artist Soriya travels to her ancestral home in Phnom Penh, with hopes of reconnectin
Orphaned at birth, Jean abandons his wife and infant child, believing that he is protecting them from his criminal doubl
A grieving man discovers that the seemingly quiet town is hiding a very terrifying secret. Now he must find a way to ove
When a heist goes dramatically wrong, leaving a hostage in peril, an unlikely trio find themselves fighting for their li